Saturday, September 22, 2012

Half way mark 9/16/12

It is now a few days past our half-way mark and it is going by way too fast! As our time is running out so is the Swedish summer. The weather is getting colder, the wind crisper, the daylight shorter, the leaves are turning color, and the emotions are getting more sensitive.

In fact, I would like to honor the moment by saying a few things about some of the faithful saints and the temple. As I was sitting at the recommend desk last night, a brother stopped and talked. He had been here a week with the Norwegian group and was heading back that night by bus. He would leave at 10:30 last night and after two bus changes would be home outside of Oslso at 12:00 p.m, today - a 13.5 hour trip. Other Norwegians were also packing up either to bus, fly, or drive home. They had been here for the week with their families, including young children. Adults trade off taking care of the young children. This is how it has been all summer - faithful saints coming with their familes for entire weeks. They have their own sessions staffed by their own people.

Today, Saturday, our High Priest group will have their own session (or maybe two - the rooms only hold 31 people each). The temple President is keeping the temple open after hours just for them. Then they will have a meeting in the nearby chapel afterwards.

Either next week or sometime soon, the Gävle ward (about 2.5 hours away and Kari's dad's parents are buried in Gävle) have scheduled the temple on their own to attend. The President is so happy that they are taking the initiative on their own without being given a time to attend. The ward has already made arrangements and made plans to accomdate entire families. They told the temple President that they are bringing the children's Sunday clothes with them so that they can all walk up to the Temple in their Sunday best.

This is a Church for families. Last week mom sat next to two women that were non-members at sacrament meeting for the first time. (One was born in a small outside of Dala-Foda were mom spent her summers so they had a good bond and talked and talked.) The other woman had a pad and pencil and was taking notes. It was a primary sacrament meeting with all the beautiful children. One of the ladies asked if our Church always had that many children attending. Mom said that our Church was for families. The Sister misionaries were so cute as they came over and took the ladies under their wings. (Sister Briton has a brother in our ward in P.G.. Her parents are mission presidents in Siberia, and the other Sister - has a fake name because her's is too difficult to say in Swedish - is also from Pleasant Grove.)  After the meeting, mom heard one of the ladies ask the Sister missionaries if they could ask some questions. The Sisters had to make an appointment because they had about a 4-5 hour car drive to Goteborg for a music recital they were giving that night for the Mission.

This has got to be one of the greatest ways to celebrate life and to honor our Father in Heaven and His children on both sides of the veil!

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